Movie Studio seeks quiet Ozarks town for possible location.

Is your's the "right fit" for us?

Local Legend Films is looking for a quiet Ozarks town as a possible  studio location.


Would your city be interested?  (-LEFT )  LOCAL  LEGEND'S  FUTURE  DOME  STUDIO.                                                                          

*NOTE: Your answers to the questions below and any tourism/ business  relocation literature and statistics on your town would be appreciated. 


1. ) Does your town have any zoning or building restrictions that would prevent a reinforced-concrete ( -or modular ) dome home and business (  -housed within the same structure ) from being built in your town? 


2. ) What does your Building Department require before construction can begin? What is their e-mail/ postal mail address and phone number? 


3. ) How much does your town charge for a "home business" license?

What's your city's tax rate and do you have a "use tax" ( -for out of state purchases? ).


4. ) Are any grocery chains ( i.e: Dierbergs, Schnucks, Aldi's, Ruler Foods, etc. ) or "big box" stores ( i.e: Walmart, Target, Loews, etc. ) located in or near your town? What's the nearest medical facility/ hospital?


5. ) Are any new "builder's lot" subdivisions ( -with paved roads, installed utilities and "owner-buildable" homesites  ) planned for your area?            * -Any development names and contacts would be helpful. 


7. ) Would you classify your town as being mainly conservative, moderate, liberal are libertarian in nature?


Thanks for answering our questions and sending your literature. 


Best Regards; Tomm Buzzetta -LLF.