Sci-Fi Movie

"Film maker searching for Ozarks town to serve as movie location"

                                        Using authentic Ozark locations and casting locals in movie roles, "Ozarks Down" is a timeless movie about the things that really count...

A ( new ) Sci-Fi thriller shot in the heart of the Ozarks. Currently casting.  Local businesses interested in movie sponsorship or ad placements  should contact producer at:  riffjamtribe@gmail.com 

Genuine people and story.

A small Ozarks town is forced      to put aside petty differences and work together to repel the "advance guard" of a worldwide alien invasion.

Their Ozarks grit, determination and resourcefulness help them overcome the ET's far superior technology -inspiring a nation.

Your Town in a Movie!

Showcase your area in a movie...

Film maker searching for town in the Lebanon, Waynesville, Richland, Mo. area to serve as the "setting" for this movie. Cities interested in being considered should contact the producer ( -above  ). 

"Jump-start your economy! Turn your town into a movie location"

Showcase your town to a national audience! Generate new excitement and "buzz" for your city. Attract new tourism. "Jump-start" your  area's tourism and business economy!


All possible when your town serves as the setting for a movie. Your city's iconic vistas, locations and businesses become pivotal scene locations. Your town and it's residents receive positive long term publicity!                         

"Generate new excitement and "buzz" for your town.  Attract ( new ) movie-related tourism!"

Chambers of Commerce and Tourism boards wishing to capitalize upon the "marketing reach" of this film can sponsor it while local businesses    ( -wishing to capitalize on it's "home town appeal" ) can reach  BOTH local and national audiences  by purchasing "placement" ads within it.


Contact producer about sponsorship/ placement availability.

Case History:

"Super 8"

Weirton, West Virginia "put on the map" after serving as setting for J.J. Adams' sci-fi film

Who would have thought a dusty, rural West Virginia steel town would garner national limelight in a Hollywood sci-fi movie?                    Certainly, no one in Weirton, West Virginia!              


Yet, that's exactly what happened when an advanced "scouting team" spied the unique charm of this "stuck in the 70's" rural town. 

                                                                                                                                      Click on the link ( below  ) to read the heartwarming story of how Weirton, West Virginia ( -population 22,124 ) went from backwoods obscurity to national acclaim after "Super 8's" 2011 release. Could your town become the next "Cinderella" story?


WEIRTON, WEST VIRGINIA STORY                                                                        * Courtesy Locationshub.com 

"Cinderella  Story"

There are thousands of small towns across America similar to Weirton, West Virginia. Friendly, welcoming places that are flashbacks to what America "used  to be". Unfortunately, such places are becoming increasingly rare to find. 


Maybe that's why such towns are so sought after by film makers. If you feel your town embodies these "God & Country" American values contact me. I may use your town as the setting for my next movie!                               

Parlaying "movie notoriety" into      commerce...

Could your town do the same thing?

"Super 8" film crew sets up a scene in Weirton, W.V.  Over the course of the movie shoot the entire town became involved. 


The movie brought town residents together -unifying them and boosting their "Home Town" pride.

While no one can predict the "box-office" appeal of a movie before it's   

release, people definitely  seem to be attracted to "movie locations".


In fact, entire books have been written on the subject ( i.e: "On  Location: Cities of the World In Film" by Claudia Hellman & Claudine Weber-Hof, and "Vacation on Location Midwest: Explore the Sites where your Favorite Movies were Filmed" by Joey Green for example ). 


Some cities have capitalized upon their "movie notoriety" with city plaques, street designations, parks and guided tours ( -showcasing  their town's film locations ), thereby enhancing their local economies.


Having a movie shot in your city can open lots of new doors...      



-Tomm Buzzetta -Independent Film Producer "Ozarks Down"

Sponsorships & Ad Placements

Promote Your Business & Town to the World!

Show your support for this LEBANON-BASED production by sponsoring it. Or purchase a "movie placement" within it. Great PR for your company!




Promote your business and town to local and national movie audiences for years to come! 


Everytime people watch the movie they'll see your Sponsorship in the credits. Everytime they watch the movie they'll see your "Placement" embedded within the movie.


Unlike print, radio and TV ads you pay for "over-and-over again"  ( -to renew ), movie Sponsorships and "Placements" are a one-time cost! They live for the "distribution life" ( -think years! ) of the film. That amounts to GREAT advertising "Bang for Your Buck!" 

Smart Advertising starts here...




Are "Product Placements" effective?


Consider the quote (-on the left ) from a national advertising industry study... 

Making the LOCAL connection...

CONNECT with LOCAL CUSTOMERS like never before! Our movie Spo- nserhips and "Placements" NOT ONLY promote your Business and Town -they let local people know you SUPPORT THEIR COMMUNITY!   

WHY?  Because the majority

( -about 2/3rds ) of your movie Sponsorship and "Placement" dollars are "plowed right back               Connect with "HOME TOWN" folks!

into the community" ( -paying local people to play parts in our movie and paying local merchants for goods and services we need to make our movie ). Keeping it LOCAL is just GOOD PUBLIC RELATIONS! Best of

all, Sponsorships and "Placements" are a ONE-TIME cost  ( -with no

"Ad Renewals" necessary! ). That's SMART ADVERTISING!

Sponsorship vs "Placement"

What's the difference?



Helping pay the production costs of a movie in ex-change for having your company's name listed as a film Sponsor in  the opening or ending credits. 






Having your Company's product, service, signage ( or ) logo seen

or mentioned "on-screen" during a movie. The type and amount of

"on-screen" time determine the cost. Our movie "placements" cost

a tiny fraction of what Hollywood charges ( -about the same as what you'd pay for a couple months of local newspaper, radio or TV ads ). 

Sponsorship & "Placement" Pricing:

Pick the one that's right for you...

*NOTE:  The film's Producer is looking for these types of local businesses: 




who'd like have their product, service, business location/ storefront, attraction ( or ) venue  seen or mentioned "on-screen" in this movie. 


If you'd like to "immortalize"  your business in a movie NOW is your chance!  Pick the Sponsorship/ Placement that suits your needs below.


*  LIMITED SUPPLY  available. Sold on "first-come, first served"  basis

while they last!    

One-Second Placement ( $400.00 ): Your business's signage is seen in the background of a scene for one second.


Two-Second Placement ( $600.00 ): Your business's signage is seen in the background of a scene for two seconds.


Three-Second Placement ( $750.00 ): Your business's signage is seen

in the background of a scene for three seconds. 


"Script-Mention" Placement x 1 ( $1,250.00 ): Your company's name is mentioned ( once ) in the movie's dialogue by a film character.  


"Script-Mention" Placement x 2 ( $2,250.00 ): Your company's name is mentioned ( twice ) in the movie's dialogue by a film character.


"Standard" Product Placement ( $4,500.00 ): Your company's product

( or ) service is used briefly ( -for up to 3-seconds ) by a supporting character  in a scene. 


"Prime" Product Placement ( $7,500.00 ): Your company's product ( or ) service is used briefly ( -for up to 5-seconds ) by a lead character  in

a scene.


"Extended Prime" Product Placement ( $10,500.00 ): Your company's product ( or ) service is used by a lead character  for an extended

period of time  ( -up to 10-seconds ) including a ( one-second ) close 

up shot of your company's logo appearing somewhere within the scene.


"Scene Location" ( or ) "Prop Placement" ( $12,500.00 ): An entire scene

( -up to one minute in duration ) is shot in or outside of your business

( -including an "establishing shot" showing your store front/ signage ).

( or )

( -In the case of a Prop Placement  ): An entire scene ( -up to one minute  in duration ) is shot with your product featured as a story line prop

( -with a one-second  close-up shot of your company's  logo or brand appearing somewhere within the scene )


*NOTE:  regardless of whether it's a "Scene" or "Prop" Placement, it can

include a "cameo" appearance by the business owner if they'd like to

be seen in the movie. 


"Scene Location/ Prop" + "Script-Mention x 1" + "Standard" Placement

( $16,500.00 ): Combines one of each of the ( above ) Placements.


"Scene Location/ Prop" + "Script-Mention x 2" + "Standard" Placement

( $18,500.00 ): Combines one of each  of the ( above ) Placements.


"Scene Location/ Prop" + "Script-Mention x 2" + "Prime" + "2-Second" Placement ( $21,500.00 ): Combines one of each  of the ( above ) Placements. 


"Scene Location/ Prop" + "Script-Mention x 2" + "Extended Prime" +

"3-Second" Placement  ( $23,500.00 ): Combines one of each of the 

( above ) Placements.


*NOTE:  OTHER "Combination Placements" are also possible. Inquire.



* LIMITED SUPPLY  available. Sold on "first-come, first served" basis

while they last!

"EXCLUSIVE SPONSORSHIP:  Where a SINGLE Company finances the entire production cost of the film. They are the movie's ONLY Sponsor! The movie opens with a sponsorship "tagline" that goes something like:


"This movie sponsored by Precision Widgets -the world's Finest Widgets"


The company's listed once again during the movie's ending credits.


* "EXCLUSIVE SPONSORSHIP" PERKS include: The Sponsoring Company's choice of any THREE single "Placements" ( or ) ONE "Package Placement" from those listed above ( -that combines more than one type of place-ment within a package ) embedded within the movie in addition to  the aforementioned sponsorship credit mentions. The production of a short ( added ) "featurette" on the Company mentioning their involvement in the film ( -included in the DVD's extra features ).


The estimated production cost of this movie is $135,000.00 ( -including production company set up, legal, tax and insurance costs, film permits, paying local people to play parts in the movie, paying local merchants for goods and services needed in the movie and paying myself a small    ( $12.00 per hour x 30-hour per week salary. *NOTE: $12.00 an hour is the same as what "extras" will earn -so I won't be getting wealthy! ) til the movie's completed. Obviously, only a profitable, industry-leading company could afford to be an "Exclusive" Sponsor!


*-That's why I'm ALSO  offering "Split" Sponsorships ( -see below ):

"SPLIT" SPONSORSHIP:  Where SEVERAL Companies split the cost of the movie's production. Companies contributing more  receive "top-billing" 

( -and first-up  credit-roll placement with larger font titling  ) during the film's opening and closing credits.    


This brings the cost of sponsorship down making it easier to afford.

If I can't locate a ( single"Exclusive" Sponsor, I may be able to find  several "Split" Sponsors and "Placement" Advertisers who put me

over the top of this $135,000.00 movie production goal. Once this

budget goal is reached I can begin casting and production!

Help this LEBANON-BASED MOVIE become reality! Promote your Region while promoting your Business!

What could be more satisfying than seeing your Company, your Region and it's people featured in a movie?


Combined with the "promotional value" of seeing your product  ( or ) service being seen "over- and-over-again" by movie view-ers nationwide for the distribu-        YOUR  COMPANY  IN  A  MOVIE!               tion life  of the film!